Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It behooves man to read Irving

Truly, it is astonishing that I had yet to hear of the joy that is undoubtedly had in the company of one so refined and brilliant as Washington Irving. I do suggest the Sketch Book to all those who have yet to meet this fine gentleman and his imagination with the utmost vigor. "The Pride of the Village," is definitely a good start, a mere eight pages of your life to better it. Now, knowing me, I am rather zealous for those things that strike my fancy, so if these stories fail to play a pleasing tune to your ear, forgive me for steering you wrong, but as it stands, most assuredly, I enjoy his works, and I am only sorry to say you do not. Now: why? Why might I enjoy this book so? Is it the fact that every word flows off the tongue with perfect ease? The fact that I doubt another could have said it better? Nay, though his words poetic, the fact of the matter is: they are not unrealistic in their brilliance. There is a beauty in his stories and thoughts that represents the terrors, sorrows, and joys of the real life. There is reality amongst the fiction. Plus the fact that it is written as a man’s journal of his journeys over the world is all the more reason to give him a hearty cheer or two…now…back to Eusebius (which I must admit is very informative and thorough. God bless the saints).

Stay strong Christian and fight the good fight. Through pain and plight take not to flight, but hold to truth and keep to right. May the morals and virtues of a Christian faith shape your life, and may we spend our days in the contemplation of God's splendor, and the service of our Sovereign. Live for Christ. Live man!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ah! How tired am I! How gruelingly tired.

"Sorry I am tired."...is this a valid excuse?

The reality of a bad night's rest is tragic in itself...but to be caught in a perpetual state of insomnia is horrific. The capabilities of the mind and overall character of a person is greatly diminished and weakened by such a problem. There is an aspect of accountability that cannot be had when a mind is incapable of reason or focused thought. The terror is overall gripping to the throat. When I interact with others my words and actions do not match my sentiments. I find myself thinking one thing but my mind is so slow that when the time to apply my belief comes, it passes by and I am left there thinking to myself: "No, no—wait...let us do that again..." One step towards living properly is to be healthy—we are bodies and souls, and so part of being a man is not only to maintain a healthy spiritual life, but a physically healthy one as well. In fact it seems that any attempts at an overall righteous life is impaired by the body, be it ill or fatigued; the same problem arises with becoming drunk.

God is trying to speak to me...I want to think, I want to grow, I want to develop in Christ. I want to contemplate His Glory and Splendor so that I may better serve—I want to serve without ceasing...but alas it seems He is showing me that though it is a noble goal deserving of complete dedication, part of that goal involves rest. This isn't something that is attainable by my own exertions, but by God's will, power, and grace. I cannot make it happen, and no amount of me stressing my own physical capabilities will get me there faster...it actually seems to be doing the contrary. I must learn not to make my own pace but to find the pace that God has given me, so that I may live in harmony with His will, and serve Him correctly, so that I may live for Him wholly; “And on the seventh day He rested.”

(Now it is back to work, Apostolic Fathers wont read itself. God give me a glimps of the wisdom that is there to be had in such a text. Guide my soul to truth.)