I wonder... #16
Is there any form of entertainment that is uniformly efficacious in producing sin like pornography is? Sorry for how convoluted this question is--allow me to explain. While thinking about the inherently degrading qualities of pornography (as almost necessarily producing/provoking lust through visual and phonic stimuli) I began to wonder if there was any other genre that yielded the same results, only with a different sin. Is there a type of movie, music, etc. that is universally proven to produce anger? sloth? envy? gluttony? etc. What other types of pornography are out there in this world?
When it comes to entertainment, the question of whether or not it is harmful is often driven by (but should not be reduced to!) "moderation." Video games are permissible, in moderation; likewise, movies are permissible, when taken in moderation; etc. However, when it comes to pornography, there is no proper, permissible, moderate use of it--it is itself the manifestation of immoderation (sexual incontinence, i.e. lust)--if you disagree, I would love to hear why. However, if you grant me my above claims, I wonder if there is anything else uniformly degrading and never "edifying" despite how infrequently we may indulge in it?